A TREATISE ON FIELD DIVERSIONS, by A Gentleman of Suffolk [Reverend Barnabas SYMONDS ou Simons], Norwich, 1776 [2ª ed., Printed by W. Meggy, Quay, 1824; 3ª ed., Yarmouth, 1828. Saiu, ainda, uma edição em 1825, em Londres, com o título:"The Suffolk Sportsman"]. Ver, ainda, AQUI.
ler o livro de B. Symonds, "A Treatise on Field Diversions", AQUI [digitalizado]
Nos registros da paróquia de Thorington no condado de Suffolk, há referências a B. Symonds:
[Symonds] "was Rector of Thorington, and Master of the School at Kelsale, where he constantly resided. He was author of a 'Treatise on Field Diversions' of which a second edition was published in 1823 (sic)"
Ainda, outra referência a B. Symonds [Chronicles of Theberton, a Suffolk village]:
"... He had perhaps bought the spaniel from a neighbour, the Rev. Barnabas Symonds, who had a school at Kelsale, after 1758 was rector of Thorington, and who was famous for his kennel of sporting dogs. Symonds was the author of 'The Suffolk Sportsman' which went to a third edition. The quaint little treatise purports to how 'the nature of the various kinds of dogs in use for gun and net, with the most rational method of training and breaking them . . . also other matters of great nicety and utility in the sporting way' ..."
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